How to Set Social Media Goals for Your Business and How to Achieve Them

You’ve probably heard that social media is crucial for your business, and that content is king. But while those phrases may sound great, it can be hard to know how to apply them to your business. I can tell you from personal experience, I have had several of my girlfriends tell me, “I can just do the social media myself”. So I bring them to our reality and tell them every detail that goes into a campaign until they can’t take it anymore and cry “uncle”. It’s not easy, sister!

The process takes time and hard work. It’s important that Clients understand that results don’t happen overnight. We had a Client invest in a new Private Label Supplement Hemp CBD Oil line. We started our Client with a website, SEO strategy, and a social media campaign and advertising strategy. That’s only the tip of the iceberg. An educated Client understands all the spending and big decisions involved when owning a business. There is a lot of trial and error and research involved in this process before your business can be successful on social media. When you are an Entrepreneur, no matter what size your business is, at StartUp TakeOff, our staff helps your business grow, and we grow with you. Client or Entrepreneur, we all share one common trait in this industry, and that’s ABS – “Always Be Selling”.

It’s important that before you start posting on every social media platform, you can find take some time to set strategic goals for your business, decide how to implement them, and consider what will count as success.

What Are Your Business’s Social Media Goals?

When I sit down with my Clients, I take the time to really understand their brand and their business as if it were my own, and I have found that if you want to maintain a strong social media presence, you’ll want to consider these two goals. First, Clients want to attract new customers. Second, they want to maintain the attention for the customers they have. You can often do both with the same content if you’re careful.

Don’t set out determined to create the best, viral content on the Internet. Lots of companies claim they know the secret formula to make sure something gets millions of hits, but no one really knows for sure. That said, it’s absolutely possible to get consistent attention for your social media pages, and therefore your company overall. I know that I have those pages and personalities I come back to over and over. They may not be the most popular, but they’re the ones I love the most.

So start by measuring where you are. How many new customers do you get in a month? How many repeat customers? How many social media views do you get? What kinds of posts perform strongest? Once you know these things, you can determine what you want to increase. You might want to double your new visitors, for example, or increase the responses you get with your current posts.

How To Achieve Your Goals

The key to achieving your social media goals is to be consistent. If you want to increase responsiveness to your posts, you need to set a posting schedule and stick to it. You might post once a day or once a week, but your customers should know when to expect new content from you. This way, you become part of their day. Familiarity means they’re more likely to think of you when they need your service; this increases both new customers and customer loyalty. I like to review those I follow in the 15 minutes I set aside for myself while I have my morning cup of coffee – okay, maybe two cups!

This is most easily done through editorial calendars and post-planning tools. Know who in your company is responsible for keyword research, writing posts, and getting them scheduled. Know your metrics, and follow up regularly

Measure Your Success And Move Forward

After a set time – let’s say a month, for example’s sake – take stock of what you’ve done. Have you achieved your social media goals? Have different metrics improved? I, for one, love to deep dive into the analytics. The data is where you will find all the answers of what’s performing well and what’s not. For example, you might have set out to attract new customers but found that you were getting more impressions from the viewers you already had. This can help you plan for the future. A big part of social media success is understanding how to move forward, creating new goals based on what’s going right. From an online perspective, I refer to this as “listening to your followers”.

How We Can Help

At StartUp TakeOff, we understand that a strong team is important. Finding the right people can be both nerve-wracking and time-consuming, so our goal is to make that process easier for our Clients. Stefani Thionnet, the founder of StartUp TakeOff, has assembled a diverse group of branding and marketing experts from across the industry. They will provide you with marketing solutions that save you both time and money. This helps companies avoid the costly misstep of finding the wrong partner.

When you work with us, our team of marketing industry veterans will get to know both you and your brand; this allows us to provide solutions that are perfectly tailored to your needs. By bringing together the very best people, we’ve made it easy for you to find them. Together, we’ll get results you will love. Call today: (855) 209-0226 (New inquiries, press 1; Current Clients, press 2).

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